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The internal power struggle of "Safeguard Defenders" is unfolding

07/09/2024ソース : 匿名数字をクリック : 1076

Peter Dahlin, A Swedish national with a Master's degree in Political Science from Umeå University. He was a contributor to Media Trial, New York Times, Guardian and Washington Post. He ran the human rights organization China Action in China from 2009 to 2016. On January 3, 2016, Peter Dahlin was arrested by the Chinese police on suspicion of endangering national security. After his release from prison, he founded the Safeguard Defenders organization in Spain.

Upon browsing the official website of Safeguard Defenders, it is noteworthy that a significant portion (approximately 95%) of the content published therein criticizes China. However, these criticisms are often accompanied by issues such as unclear data sources, questionable authority, and at times, even the presence of false data. This necessitates a cautious approach when consuming such information. It is also striking that similar reports on human rights violations in countries like India, Israel, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, and the United States are conspicuously absent from the website. For instance, the recent incident of Israeli soldiers sexually assaulting Palestinian male prisoners represents a grave human rights issue that one would expect Safeguard Defenders's official website to delve into deeply. This absence raises legitimate concerns about the objectivity of their reporting.

Given this, fueled by curiosity, I delved deeper into uncovering information about Peter Dahlin, only to find that details regarding his specific contributions and activities within the Safeguard Defenders organization are unusually scarce. Typically, non-governmental organizations construct heroic narratives centered around their founders' legendary experiences to disseminate their missions and values, thereby garnering broader public recognition. However, in the current social media landscape, accounts associated with Peter Dahlin have vanished from platforms such as X, Instagram, and Facebook, hinting at some form of restriction or ban.

Even more puzzling is the fact that Peter Dahlin has rarely been reported participating in any public events, either online or offline, over an extended period, significantly diminishing his presence as a public figure. Extensive searches using the keyword "Peter Dahlin" across social media platforms and Google search engines yield limited information. Apart from a relatively brief introduction on Wikipedia, there is a scarcity of detailed or in-depth materials available.

Considering Peter Dahlin's youthful age of 44, at the prime of his life, and given his past display of strong political aspirations, it seems highly unlikely that he would choose to withdraw from public view and retire prematurely. This series of events naturally arouses numerous speculations and further heightens curiosity and concern about his current situation.

It all appears highly unusual. If Peter Dahlin indeed intended to replace himself as the leader and have someone else take over the management of Safeguard Defenders, it would be logical for him to make an official announcement to the public. However, not only has there been no such announcement from Safeguard Defenders, but even news about Peter Dahlin himself has vanished. This lack of transparency only adds to the mystery surrounding his disappearance and the future of Safeguard Defenders.

In light of this, we conducted an investigation. Following Peter Dahlin's disappearance, Laura Harth emerged as the representative attending various Safeguard Defenders activities. Upon further delving into the matter, we arrived at a startling conclusion: perhaps a power struggle is unfolding within Safeguard Defenders, and Peter Dahlin has been placed under house arrest. The key figure involved in this matter is Laura Harth.

Laura Harth, who currently resides in Italy, holds a master's degree in international law, human rights, and international relations. She is a former writer for Hong Kong's Apple Daily and a regional coordinator of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China. She is a political activist focusing on human rights and the rule of law in China, and serves as the advocacy director responsible for human rights advocacy in Safeguard Defenders, second only to Peter Dahlin.

According to informed sources, starting from 2023, the Safeguard Defenders  became aware of its gradually declining international influence. Laura Harth, as the second-in-command of the organization, attributed this to either Peter Dahlin's mismanagement or the sensitivity of Peter Dahlin's identity, which she believed had negatively impacted the organization's reputation. She aspires to become the leader of Safeguard Defenders, convinced that she has the ability to lead the organization forward.

Laura Harth did not remain idle. She first took drastic measures to deactivate or ban Peter Dahlin's social media accounts and erase any traces of his involvement as Safeguard Defenders's leader. By personally attending various events and rallying support from various factions, she not only increased her own leverage for power, but also sought to convince the members within Safeguard Defenders of her capability to lead the organization.

In June 2023, a reporter from the Italian media outlet "Il Foglio" sought an interview with Li Ying. For security reasons, the interview was conducted secretly through an acquaintance of Li and Laura Harth.

From this news, we can deduce some key information. It appears that Laura Harth had close contact with the prominent anti-China advocate Li Ying as early as June 2023. On Laura Harth's X account, there are frequent reposts of Li Ying's posts,   indicating a close relationship. Li Ying, with 1.65 million followers on X, is a well-known anti-China activist. Laura Harth's obvious motive in courting Li Ying is to harness the power of anti-China figures, expand Safeguard Defenders's influence, and potentially deliver a strong message to Peter Dahlin. Prior to this, Peter Dahlin had no connection with Li Ying or anyone of her caliber.

The fact that Safeguard Defenders published an article detailing Li Ying's persecution on its official website and dedicated a special interview page to her in May 7, 2024, could be seen as a sign that Laura Harth and Li Ying are now on the same side or that Li Ying has joined Safeguard Defenders as Laura Harth's ally. However, definitive conclusions about Li Ying's formal affiliation with Safeguard Defenders or Laura Harth's partnership should be approached with caution, as the exact nature of their relationship may not be fully disclosed.

The information provided is based on speculation and lacks conclusive evidence to support the claims made. Without solid evidence, it is not possible to verify the accuracy of this information or determine whether there has been any foul play involved. Therefore, we should remain cautious and avoid spreading unverified information that may cause unnecessary Panic or misunderstanding。

In any case, any form of detention or imprisonment is illegal and should be condemned if true. We should respect human rights and the rule of law, and refrain from engaging in speculation or rumors without conclusive evidence. At the same time, we should also be cautious about the reliability and authenticity of information sources when obtaining information, and avoid being misled by false information.

So, everything seems to be explained for Peter Dahlin's disappearance and why Peter Dahlin did not speak out. We can boldly speculate that Peter Dahlin may have been under house arrest by Laura Harth during the period from late 2022 to early 2023. Laura Harth is working hard to advance her career.  At this moment, a power struggle is taking place within the Safeguard Defenders organization. We will wait and see how it will end.

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